Spyglass Ridge HOA
Pre-approved Water Wise Front Yard Landscape Designs
Spyglass Ridge HOA now offers owners an option to use one of three pre-approved water wise front yard landscape design plans without having to get approval from the Architectural Control Committee. Each of these designs can be customized to the Lot and the plants can be customized based on what is available and what grows best in Spyglass Ridge community. For help with plant and tree selection please consult a local nursery or the Colorado State University Extension service for assistance and suggestions on what will grow best in our area.
Please click on the links in pink below for more information or to be taken to the form!
Owners must complete and submit to the ACC an ACC Repair and Upgrade form prior to beginning work on any of these landscape designs!
*Please be aware that all landscape requirements pertaining to front yard landscaping must still be met, which include a minimum of one (1) deciduous tree, one (1) evergreen tree, six shrubs of a 5 gallon pot size or greater, an irrigation system, designated planting zones, designated irrigation zones, etc. The use of one of these 3 preapproved designs does not waive any other requirements regarding front yard landscaping.